What does «paladión» mean in Spanish?
- (Paladión) In Greco-Roman mythology, cult image of great antiquity on which the safety of Troy and later Rome was said to depend, the wooden statue (xoanon or Greek wooden votive sculpture) of the Athena of Pallas that Odysseus and Diomedes stole from the citadel of Troy and later Aeneas carried to the future site of Rome. Also called Palladium.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Al enterarse de que el paladión era protector de la ciudad, comisionaron a Diomedes y a Ulises para robarlo y así lo hicieron".
"Por su parte, Odiseo cuestiona a Eneas que haya perdido el Paladión, la figura tallada de Palas Atenea en madera".
"Actualmente no existe ningún paladión, solo copias en piedra o mármol".
- (Paladión) A sacred object in which lies or is believed to lie the defense and security of a thing that possesses it; especially a safeguard or guarantee of the integrity of social institutions, a city, or a state. Beginning around 1600, the word palladion has been used figuratively to refer to anything believed to provide protection or security, and particularly in Christian contexts, a sacred relic or icon believed to have a protective role in military contexts for an entire city, people or nation. These beliefs first became prominent in the Eastern church in the period following the reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, and later spread to the Western church. The palladion was led in procession around the walls of besieged cities and sometimes even carried into battle.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la Carta de Derechos, paladio de las libertades civiles americanas".
"eso solo será posible cuando los ciudadanos guatemaltecos seamos, efectivamente, ese paladión que protege sin tregua nuestro suelo", Otra dimensión de la legítima defensa ciudadana, elPeriódico, 26/08/2017.
"Después de conocer tan singular relato es lógico deducir lo que motivó a Palma a denominar al quetzal, símbolo de libertad, ave sagrada de los mayas, como el paladión que protege el suelo de Guatemala", Paladión que protege tu suelo, prensalibre.com, 11-09-2013.
"¿Cuándo aquí donde no hay castas ni grados nobiliarios se considerará el título de ciudadano como paladión de la dignidad individual?".
- (Paladión) Name of a ritual of some variants of yoga, it is the second step (of five in total) that consists of the "illumination" or opening of the "third eye".