11 sentences with 'possesses'

Example sentences and phrases with the word possesses and other words derived from it.

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« My friend possesses a remarkable talent for creative storytelling. »
« Our neighbor possesses an impressive collection of vintage records. »
« The ancient tree possesses deep roots that secure its grand stature. »
« The teacher possesses extraordinary knowledge that inspires every student. »
« The musician possesses flawless technique in performing intricate symphonies. »
« Ololiuqui is the seed of a species of vine that possesses compounds similar to lysergic acid (LSD). »
« The killer rapist's DNA was found to have characteristics that only two percent of the population possesses. »
« In the search for greater precision, it is possible to define democracy as a system of government that possesses a number of attributes: »
« My wife, who possesses mechanical skills, has yet to master the intricacies of running a hotel shower without getting her hair soaked at the very moment she is preparing to attend a cocktail reception or the Vienna State Opera. »
« The origin of the first cell has not yet been elucidated, a prodigy greater than the appearance of life itself, since once the cell has appeared, it already possesses the ability to self-replicate itself. Here too there is a missing link. »
« The authority of a king is purely physical, and controls the actions of the subject without subduing his private will; but the majority possesses a power which is both physical and moral; it acts upon the will as well as the actions of men, and represses not only all strife, but all controversy. I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and freedom of discussion as in America. »

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