What does «michi» mean in Spanish?

  • Cat, domestic mammal that chases mice.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "ven aquí, michi, ven a comer tu comida".

  • A way of calling the cat to come to you.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "michi, michi, michi... ven para aquí, tengo tu comida".

  • Stew prepared with fish cooked in its juice.

    ♦ Used in: Mexico

    Examples of use in Spanish: "me preparé un caldo michi".

  • Another name for the ta te ti game.
  • Affectionate way of calling a friend.
  • Euphemism for "shit".

    ♦ Used in: Peru

    Examples of use in Spanish: "¡Vete a la michi!".

  • Prostitute.

    ♦ Used in: Argentina

    Examples of use in Spanish: "aquella es una michi michi".

  • (michi michi) Of low level, rank or category; vulgar, commonplace.

    ♦ Used in: Cuba

    Examples of use in Spanish: "se nota en su trato que es un michi michi".

  • (michi michi) Half and half.

    ♦ Used in: Peru

    Examples of use in Spanish: "repartimos las ganancias michi michi".

  • (ni michi) Nothing; there is nothing or very little of anything.

    ♦ Used in: Peru

    Examples of use in Spanish: "no entendí ni michi de la clase".

    "no hay ni michi para comer".
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