What does «isócrono» mean in Spanish?
- Applies to movements that are carried out at times of equal duration. Movements of equal period.
Examples of use in Spanish: "oscilaciones isócronas".
"El movimiento del segundero de un reloj es isócrono".
- Two or more movements or rhythmic units that have equal duration.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Vibraban al isócrono compás de la música".
- Occurring at the same time or having the same duration as another event or circumstance; synchronic.
- Repeating at equal intervals. Such as the beating of a heart or the ticking of a clock.
- Semicubic parabola.
- (isocrona o isócrona) Geog. Also called isoline. It is the line connecting points that have the same time of travel on a map. In other words, it is a line drawn on a map showing the connecting points where something occurs or arrives at the same time.
- (mapa isócrono, plan de isócrono o diagrama isócrono) Geog. Map showing the lines mentioned in the previous meaning. Isochron maps have been used in transportation planning since 1972 or earlier. They are widely used in transportation planning and hydrology.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Este mapa isócrono nos muestra cuánto se tardaba hace 100 años en viajar a las distintas partes del planeta".