9 sentences with 'beating'

Example sentences and phrases with the word beating and other words derived from it.

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« The recipe calls for separating the yolk from the white before beating. »

beating: The recipe calls for separating the yolk from the white before beating.
« The torrential rain was beating against the windows fiercely while I was curled up in my bed. »

beating: The torrential rain was beating against the windows fiercely while I was curled up in my bed.
« The heart was beating strong in his chest. He had been waiting for this moment his whole life. »

beating: The heart was beating strong in his chest. He had been waiting for this moment his whole life.
« Here are the latest ideas for beating the race to program failure. »
« The sun was beating down on Mike Spaulding, and he was grateful for it. »
« The sacrificial ceremony included cutting open the chest of a captured criminal or warrior with an obsidian knife and removing his still beating heart. »
« In the midst of the unequal battle of Tacuarí, Belgrano's brave soldiers felt revived by the beating of a drum played by a boy of no more than 12 or 13 years of age. »
« Whereas Ethiopia had defended its own territory and sovereignty, Japan was now playing by the same rules and beating the European powers at their own game: seizing foreign territory by force of arms. »
« Then the patients in the antechamber get pissed off, and start shouting at the doctor that if he doesn't unplug from his computer screen and attend to them, he's going to eat - along with the beating of his life - a chip salad. »

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