What does «indentación» mean in Spanish?
- Notch or recess in the edge of something.
- In anatomy, notch, depression or notch in an edge of an organ.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Siga ahora palpando 1,5 cm a lo largo del borde anterior del acromion y notará una pequeña indentación donde la clavícula se une al acromion", ANATOMÍA. Palpación y localización superficial, Derek Field - 2004.
- In motor racing, the phenomenon by which a tire contours and hugs the pebbles on the asphalt.
Examples of use in Spanish: "en bajas temperaturas se reduce la indentación de los neumáticos y, por lo tanto, disminuye la adherencia de estos al asfalto".
- In mechanics, a test to measure the hardness of materials. It is used in mechanical engineering to determine the hardness of a material to deformation. There are several tests of this type, in which the material under examination is indented until an impression is formed; these tests can be performed on a macroscopic or microscopic scale.
Examples of use in Spanish: "La indentación en vidrios ópticos es más bien una consecuencia de la microplasticidad de los vidrios que de su densificación".
"la dureza Brinell es una escala de medición de la dureza de un material mediante el método de indentación".
- (indentación macular) In medicine, placement of a finger-shaped piece of silicone that shortens the anteroposterior axis of the eye to help close the macular hole that causes retinal detachment, which is relatively frequent in highly myopic people.