What does «género» mean in Spanish?
- A group formed by beings or objects that have common characteristics among them.
- Manner, kind, mode.
Examples of use in Spanish: "género de vida".
- A class of literary works related by certain similar characters.
Examples of use in Spanish: "género dramático".
- In natural history, a subdivision of the family that is further broken down into species.
- Form given to words to indicate the sex of animate beings or to differentiate the name of things.
Examples of use in Spanish: "género masculino, femenino, neutro".
- Custom.
Examples of use in Spanish: "pintor de género".
- Article, merchandise.
Examples of use in Spanish: "en la tienda hay toda clase de géneros".
- Fabric.
Examples of use in Spanish: "género de punto".
- (género chico) Short plays and musicals.
- (género humano) Set of men.