What does «frotamiento» mean in Spanish?
- Action of two bodies in contact, one of which at least one is in motion; rubbing.
Examples of use in Spanish: "El frotamiento consiste en pasar una cosa por encima de otra, de forma repetida y con cierta fuerza".
"Las estrellas fugaces se producen por el frotamiento y el aumento de la presión de partículas que ingresan en nuestra atmósfera".
"El calor producido por el frotamiento hará que la temperatura suba, se genere ignición y el fósforo se encienda".
- (electrificación por frotamiento) One of the forms of electrification (the others are contact and induction). With fretting, various types of energy can be generated (depending on the nature of the objects) due to the frictional forces acting between the two objects. In electrification by rubbing, the less conductive body removes electrons from the outer layers of the atoms of the other body, thus becoming negatively charged, and the one that releases the electrons becomes positively charged.