What does «flama» mean in Spanish?
- Flame rising from burning bodies.
Examples of use in Spanish: "no debe utilizarse este aerosol cerca de flamas".
"una fuga de gas junto con los cables provocaron una flama".
"encendió una flama y dio inicio a un incendio".
- Reverberation or flame reflection.
- Intensity of an emotion, passion or desire.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la película erótica avivó las flamas de la pasión".
"encendió en mí una flama que estaba por apagarse".
"en el centro de nuestros corazones una flama indómita ardió por varios siglos e irradió esperanza".
- Sweltering heat wave; embarrassment, heat.
♦ Used in: Spain - Adornment that was used in the front and upper part of the morrión and the chacó.
- Exciting, tremendous, very good.
♦ Used in: Argentina
Examples of use in Spanish: "¡está flama la película!".
"-¿Tomamos algo? // -¡Flama!".
- (Flama del Canigó) Catalan tradition related to the summer solstice between June 22 and 23. It begins with the renewal of the fire at the summit of Canigó and ends with the lighting of the bonfires on the night of San Juan after the flame (or flame), carried by volunteers, is spread throughout Catalonia in Spain.
- (arrestador o supresor de llamas) A device that stops the combustion of fuel by extinguishing the flame; also known as a deflagration suppressor, or flame trap. They are commonly used in: fuel storage tank vents; fuel pipelines; safety cabinets for paint, aerosol and other flammable mixtures; the exhaust system of internal combustion engines; the air intake of marine engines installed on board; Davy lamps in coal mining; rum and other flammable liquors.