What does «donatario» mean in Spanish?
- A person to whom a gift is given; who receives and accepts it.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el orfanato ha sido donatario de una gran cantidad de dinero".
"Simular una compraventa a través de una donación genera inseguridad jurídica y coloca al donatario en una situación desventajosa".
- Subject matter of the donation contract. The donation is an act of transfer of ownership in which there is a patrimonial increase for the donee and on the other hand a patrimonial decrease for the donor; this is an indispensable requirement for this act to be valid. The donation is a unilateral act where the donor has the main obligation; however, the donee must comply with the obligations of the donor if the latter imposes them in the act of donation, under penalty of rescinding the donation.