7 sentences with 'requirement'

Example sentences and phrases with the word requirement and other words derived from it.

« His decision to remove the property requirement made his troops totally dependent on him for plunder and land distribution after campaigns, undermining their loyalty to the Republic. »
« In time, the scientific method came to include a corollary requirement: the results of an experiment had to give the same results consistently for a hypothesis to be considered viable. »
« In the east, they had almost total control over the lives and movements of their serfs, including the requirement that serfs perform long periods of unpaid labour on behalf of their lords. »
« The ad hoc nature of higher education for priests gave way to a formal and universal requirement: all priests would be well educated, not just those who had sought a university for themselves. »
« Likewise, an unequivocal requirement imposed on Christians was love of neighbour, which meant in practice showing kindness and compassion to others, regardless of their social rank. Few concepts could have been more alien to Roman sensibilities. »
« Despite the nominal requirement not to marry, many high-ranking priests lived openly with concubines and equally openly supported their sons, seeing their sons establish themselves as landowners or members of the Church in their own right and marrying daughters into noble families. »
« Gaius Marius was both consul (elected an unprecedented seven times) and general, and used his power to remove the property requirement for membership of the army. This allowed the poor to join the army for nothing more than an oath of allegiance, one they took to their general rather than to the Republic. »

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