What does «descendente» mean in Spanish?
- Descending, lowering, diminishing; decreasing.
Examples of use in Spanish: "movimiento descendente"; "línea descendente".
"las ventas descendentes de este trimestre indican al menos dos trimestres más de problemas financieros para la empresa".
"un sendero rocoso descendente".
- When a group of things is listed or arranged in descending order, each thing is smaller, of lesser importance or quality than the previous thing.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Todos los demás ingredientes, incluida el agua, deben enumerarse por orden decreciente de peso".
"las categorías están listadas en orden descendente de utilidad".
- In Nautica, said of the tide called ebb.
- In Grammar, decreasing.
- Said of sound that becomes lower in pitch.
Examples of use in Spanish: "un pasaje de acordes descendentes".
- (en o por orden descendente) Starting with the largest, most important, highest, etc. and continuing in decreasing order until ending with the smallest, least important, lowest, etc.
- (tren descendente) In Spain, it is said of the train that goes from the interior to the coast.
- (nodo descendente) In astronomy, the node at which the planet passes from the northern to the southern part of the celestial sphere.
- (progresión descendente) A mathematical progression in which each term has a lower value than the antecedent.
- (savia descendente) In botany, ascending sap that, after certain chemical changes, is transformed into nutritive juice to be conducted by the phloem to all parts of the plant. It is also called elaborated sap.