What does «balajú» mean in Spanish?
- Skinny and ugly.
♦ Used in: Puerto Rico - Silvery, fast and slippery fish, also called marlin or bunting, scientific name Hemiramphus brasiliensis. Its lower jaw is longer than its upper jaw. This common name is also used for other fishes.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el balajú es usado como carnada".
"el balajú es un pez muy rápido, persigue los barcos de los pescadores para aprovechar la comida que se les cae".
- Fragata or ship a two-masted, thin, small and light vessel, common in the Antilles.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el balajú era muy útil para las entradas de contrabando".
- (El balajú) Outstanding son of the jarocho repertoire. The melody, which comes from the oral tradition, admits multiple variations but always with a general structure that makes it recognizable every time it is played.
♦ Used in: Mexico
Examples of use in Spanish: "El balajú es parte del imaginario colectivo mexicano y trascendió su marco regional para aparecer en obras literarias, piezas sinfónicas y en películas clave de nuestro cine".
"vamos a tocar un balajú".