What does «atómico» mean in Spanish?
- Relating to atoms.
Examples of use in Spanish: "teoría atómica"; "física atómica"; "peso atómico"; "número atómico"; "masa atómica"; "modelo atómico"; "investigación atómica".
- That employs atomic energy.
Examples of use in Spanish: "arma atómica"; "bomba atómica"; "proyectil atómico".
- That is related to the uses of atomic energy or its effects.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Construiré un refugio atómico"; "reloj atómico".
- That related to any process of fusion or fission of atoms.
- (arma atómica) Weapon that uses fission reactions based on plutonium or uranium. The power of these weapons is expressed in kilotonnes.
- (energía atómica) The one released by nuclear transmutations.
- (masa atómica) Relative mass of the atoms of various elements (that of oxygen is conventionally set at 16).
- (número atómico) Number of an element in the periodic classification.
- (núcleo atómico) The central part of the atom, with a positive electric charge and in which most of the mass of the atom is concentrated. Its main subatomic particles are protons and neutrons.
- (proyectil atómico) Atomic charge projectile.
- (hongo atómico) A mushroom-like gaseous formation of immense size that forms after a devastating atomic explosion.
- (reloj atómico) High-precision electronic clock that uses atoms or molecules to measure time.
- (guerra atómica) That war in which atomic weapons are used.
- (calor atómico) The amount of heat per gram atom required by a chemical element to raise its temperature by one degree Celsius.