11 sentences with 'atom'

Example sentences and phrases with the word atom and other words derived from it.

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« The atom is the smallest unit of matter. »

atom: The atom is the smallest unit of matter.
« The artist painted a portrait inspired by one atom. »
« The teacher explained how an atom forms the basis of matter. »
« The scientist observed an atom under the powerful microscope. »
« The engineer designed a gadget that manipulates a single atom. »
« The explorer uncovered an atom within a strange mineral deposit. »
« While an atom measures 0.0000001 millimetre, one millimetre of thread holds 5,000,000 atoms. »
« The bivalent or ferrous iron atom contained in haemoglobin is what gives haemoglobin (and all blood) its characteristic red colour. »
« While the hydrogen atom consists of a proton and an electron, deuterium also has a neutron in its nucleus. While keeping its electric charge intact, it is, however, a heavier particle. »
« Ernest Rutherford was a nuclear physicist who became known as the 'father' of nuclear physics. He pioneered the Bohr model of the atom through his discovery of Rutherford scattering off the atomic nucleus with his Geiger-Marsden experiment (gold foil experiment). »
« Not all water molecules are exactly the same. Although it is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, for every eight thousand or so "normal" molecules there is a different one. The hydrogen that makes it up is not the ordinary kind, but an isotope of it called deuterium. »

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