9 sentences with 'positive'

Example sentences and phrases with the word positive and other words derived from it.

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« Music can have a positive effect on mood. »

positive: Music can have a positive effect on mood.
« Philanthropy is a way to give back to society and make a positive difference in the world. »

positive: Philanthropy is a way to give back to society and make a positive difference in the world.
« Although life can be difficult and challenging, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and seek beauty and happiness in the small things in life. »

positive: Although life can be difficult and challenging, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and seek beauty and happiness in the small things in life.
« Positive thinking leads to positive action ... and reaction. »
« Unfortunately, the biopsy results were positive. I had cancer. »
« Rewards create positive, pleasurable associations about exercise. »
« The key to positive procrastination lies in harnessing, for useful purposes, this creative ability to shirk responsibility. »
« The only positive enterprise of his reign was the completion of major building projects, both palaces for himself and public works (including roads and fortifications), and it should also be noted that the empire remained under stable administration during his reign. »
« This activity induces an increasingly intense positive charge immediately below, at the Earth's surface, which the negative lower part of the cloud finds irresistible. The base of the cloud eventually accumulates an enormous potential of 100 million volts, enough to cause an electrical discharge. »

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