What does «trivalente» mean in Spanish?
- Having three values or triple value.
Examples of use in Spanish: "es un pase trivalente que sirve para la ópera, el teatro y el ballet".
- In chemistry, combining with three hydrogen atoms or another monovalent atom or radical.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el nitrógeno es trivalente en el amoníaco".
- In chemistry, with a valence of three. It is used to describe any atom that can form 3 bonds, i.e., has a valence of +3 or -3.
- In medicine, said of a vaccine that protects or generates immunity against three different viruses or pathogens (usually influenza).
Examples of use in Spanish: "una vacuna trivalente contra la influenza".
"Como primer paso, en abril de 2016 todos los países pasaron de la versión trivalente de la vacuna antipoliomielítica oral, que abarca los tres tipos de virus de la poliomielitis, a una versión bivalente, que carece del componente de tipo 2".
- In biology, any trivalent chromosome (a chromosome consisting of three homologous chromosomes that are found together or appear to be completely joined during meiosis).
- (vacuna trivalente contra la influenza) Synthetic vaccine consisting of three inactivated influenza viruses, two different influenza type A strains and one influenza type B strain. The trivalent influenza vaccine is formulated annually, based on the influenza strains expected to prevail in the upcoming influenza season. This agent can be formulated for injection or intranasal administration.