What does «sátiro» mean in Spanish?
- Greek mythological demigod, inhabitant of the forests, having pointed ears, horns and lower body of goat. Often associated with an unbridled sexual appetite. Their leader was Silenus. It has many similarities with the faun of Roman mythology.
Examples of use in Spanish: "según la mitología, los sátiros deambulaban por los bosques y aldeas en busca de aventuras que tuvieran como condimentos principales al vino y al sexo".
- Individual given to erotic manifestations without respect for modesty or with exacerbated sexual desires.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el sátiro fue denunciado por su vecina por exhibición".
- In the theater, lewd and shameless scenic composition.
- Recurrent sexual abuser.
♦ Used in: Argentina - Uruguay
Examples of use in Spanish: "arrestaron al sátiro de la bicicleta, que abusaba de las mujeres y escapaba en su bicileta".
- Censoring or ridiculing with sharpness and humor; satirical.