11 sentences with 'sexual'

Example sentences and phrases with the word sexual and other words derived from it.

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« Despite prejudices and stereotypes, we must learn to value and respect sexual and gender diversity. »

sexual: Despite prejudices and stereotypes, we must learn to value and respect sexual and gender diversity.
« Many women do not realize what sexual rejection means to men. »
« For seduction, it is also necessary for the man to talk during the sexual act. »
« Dr. Walsh was warning me that the recovery of sexual potency would also be gradual. »
« In these cases, female "company" was present only for entertainment and sexual bondage. »
« I have regained sexual desire, as predicted by Dr. Walsh, who also said that I should not expect anything more until a year to 18 months after the operation. »
« Women were expected to be sexually monogamous with their husbands, while men's sexual relations with female slaves, as well as with other men of the same social rank, were perfectly acceptable behaviour. »
« During my years of research with individuals and couples, I have found that most people remember having their most fulfilling sexual experiences when they felt intense loving energy in addition to sexual energy. »
« In short, the Greek obsession with maintaining not only a strict sexual hierarchy, but an attempt to socially separate men and women that reached its zenith in classical Athens, was greatly loosened in the Hellenistic era. »
« Even the old belief that the sexual pleasure of both partners was necessary for procreation was abandoned (though it took until the late 18th century for that belief to atrophy), and women were reduced to passive receptacles whose pleasure was irrelevant. »
« In Greek culture there was no concept of 'heterosexual' versus 'homosexual'; sexual attraction was assumed to exist, potentially, between men as well as between men and women, although bisexuality seems to have been more common among men in the higher social ranks. »

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