What does «prelación» mean in Spanish?
- Priority, preference, order with which something should be attended to with respect to something else.
Examples of use in Spanish: "orden de prelación".
"el orden de prelación dependerá de los puntos obtenidos".
"la prelación de los temas a tratar".
"se deben respetar la prelación en los caminos para evitar accidentes".
- Primacy or priority given to one buyer or creditor over another.
- The right to be treated in preference to others. It is a right of someone to be preferred over others, sometimes to the total exclusion of others.
- In France, the right that children had to obtain the positions held by their parents in front of third parties.
- (prelación de créditos) Order of preference with which the various competing claims are to be satisfied in the event of forced execution of a defaulting or insolvent debtor.
- (lista de prelación) List of aspects or tasks ordered by urgency.