What does «populacho» mean in Spanish?
- The lowest of the plebs or low people. In other words, the lowest popular class, of low social and cultural level. The political philosopher Hannah Arendt made the following political distinction between the populace and the people: while the people struggle for true representation, the populace will always cry out for the strongman, the great messianic leader who will save them.
Examples of use in Spanish: "es un baile populacho".
"el político dirigió su discurso al populacho".
"el populacho es pobre, numeroso y trabaja, en cambio la aristocracia es rica, corta en número y no hace nada".
- A mass of unruly or disorderly people.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el populacho rodeó y acosó al famoso actor en la calle".
"populacho casi lincha a un presunto delincuente".
Populacho de Francisco de Goya. 1812 - 1814