What does «paruma» mean in Spanish?
- Taparrabo of the indigenous rowers of the savannas of Bolívar and Sucre, in the Sinú and on the banks of the San Jorge; taparrabo, pampanilla, perizona.
♦ Used in: Colombia
Examples of use in Spanish: "El negro desnudo, o con solo una paruma o guayuco, es el habitador de esas tierras feraces, las que no conoce mas que en el corto trecho marginal de los ríos, en donde tiene su choza", Geografía física y política del Distrito federal, Felipe Pérez - 1862.
"Mientras los hombres, haraganes si los hay, descansan tranquilamente ó á lo sumo se dedican á la caza y pesca, enteramente desnudos ó cubierta apenas su cintura con un pedazo de tejido llamado paruma ó guayaco", América pintoresca: descripción de viajes al nuevo continente..., 1884.
- Piece of cloth, blanket or large towel wrapped around the waist that reaches the knees, typical of the indigenous people of the area. Generally black in color, it was used by women tied at the waist with a cloth belt called chumbe. It was also used as a veil, to gird the torso and carry the child, among many other uses. Traditionally, the fabric was made from the bark of the rubber tree.
♦ Used in: Colombia
Examples of use in Spanish: "La madre lleva consigo siempre al bebé; cuando se trata de caminar cortos trayectos lo carga en los brazos o a horcadas sobre las caderas; si el camino es largo lo envuelve en una paruma y lo lleva atado a la espalda", Los Zenúes - Página 221, 1990.
"El traje tradicional de los habitantes de esta selva húmeda tropical era una paruma o tela vegetal enrollada en la cintura, para las mujeres y un guayuco para los hombres", Objetos textiles en el Departamento del Chocó, 1994.
- A type of colorful skirt, traditional of the Emberá Wounaan Indians. This is also the name given to the fabric used to make skirts and other garments. This fabric is usually colorful and combines figures of flowers, squares, lines and circles.
♦ Used in: Panama
Examples of use in Spanish: "Me siento mal vestida si no tengo puesta una paruma".
"la famosa paruma que es la tela orgullo de la etnia emberá wounaan".
- (dejar en paruma) Leave in diapers.
♦ Used in: Colombia - (Paruma) Andean stratovolcano located between the border between Bolivia and Bolivia at an altitude of 5,420 masl (5,720 m altitude according to another source¹); it is part of a range of several stratovolcanoes. It is located about two kilometers west of Cerro Paruma and about 8 km east of Olea volcano. This volcano was very active in the Holocene. Its last known activity was an eruption of one of its flanks between 1865 and 1867. Since around 1990, it has shown persistent fumarolic activity.
- (Paruma) Another name for the Parima River, Parime or Orinoco Grande, which runs behind a mountain range called Purumas.