What does «paralelo» mean in Spanish?
- It is applied to lines or planes that are maintained, whatever their prolongation, equidistant from each other.
- Corresponding, correlative, similar. Example: parallel action.
- Applies to the market that, contrary to the law, maintains higher prices than the official ones.
- Line parallel to another. Example: drawing parallels.
- In gymnastics, an apparatus composed of two parallel bars. Example: exercising on the parallel bars.
- Circle of the globe parallel to the equator. Example: the parallels of the Earth.
- Comparison, comparison. Example: to make a parallel between two authors.
- Each of the sections of a surface of revolution when it is cut by planes perpendicular to its axis. Example: parallels of revolution.
- Parallel. Said of two or more circuits that are independently connected to a main one.
- Parallel. Forming a parallel line with something else.
- In parallel. At the same time.