What does «muñón» mean in Spanish?
- Healed part remaining from an amputated limb.
Examples of use in Spanish: "del muñón se sujeta una pierna ortopédica".
"le quedó un pequeño muñón en lugar de su brazo tras el accidente".
- A limb of the body that is born atrophied and does not develop properly.
Examples of use in Spanish: "nació con muñones en lugar de manos".
- The end of a doll, generally articulated, on which the head, a leg, an arm, a foot, a hand, etc., may be attached.
- A spigot or journal with which a mechanical organ is fixed to a support, retaining freedom of rotational movement on itself. Example: the two trunnions of the carriage support the barrel.
- Deltoid muscle, and also the shoulder region bounded by the deltoid.
- Part of the tree that remains buried in the ground after being felled; stump.
Examples of use in Spanish: "los piñones de los eucaliptos servían para sujetar los caballos".
- Each of the cylindrical appendages that protrude in a transverse direction from the body of an artillery piece, by which it rests on its mount. They also serve as an axis for elevation aiming.
- Said of a person of poor ability for some task.
- A closed portion of an organ or duct remaining after surgery. For example, rectal stump, appendicular stump, umbilical cord stump, uterine stump, gastric stump, etc.
Examples of use in Spanish: "en raras ocasiones puede darse una apendicitis del muñón apendicular tras una apendicectomía".
- (muñón dental o perno muñón) Metallic structure (gold or other alloys) or other materials (carbon fiber or fiberglass) made to measure in a single piece, which is permanently lodged inside the root of the tooth/tooth (pin) and remains protruding as a stump. It is used as an intermediate fixation (anchorage) to retain an artificial crown on a tooth that was in poor condition or missing.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el muñón dental puede ser prefabricado o preparado por el laboratorio después de haber tomado una huella de la porción residual del diente".
- (muñón rectal) Rectum that remains closed and out of fecal transit after the colon has been removed.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se deja un muñón rectal en la intervención de Hartmann".