What does «menguado» mean in Spanish?
- Participle of menguar.
Examples of use in Spanish: "su participación ha menguado".
"ha menguado considerablemente su fortuna".
- Cowardly, timid, faint-hearted, low-spirited.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el muy menguado no fue capaz de defenderme".
"el militar que no acude rápidamente a defender a su país es un menguado".
- Stupid, foolish.
- Mean, greedy, petty.
- Said of someone who receives gifts from others, but does not reciprocate them properly.
- Fatal, unfortunate. As in "hora menguada".
- Reduced, insignificant.
Examples of use in Spanish: "obtuvo menguados éxitos".
- Each of the stitches that are embedded (making two, one) by the seamstresses when making stocking or sock to reduce the width of their work where it is required, as in the third and in the shank.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Todavía falta algún menguado para hacer el talón de esta media".
- (hora menguada) Fatal time in which some damage occurs or what is desired is not achieved.