What does «matrero» mean in Spanish?
- Cunning, crafty, crafty.
- Suspicious, suspicious. Inclined to distrust.
- Inclined to betray the trust placed in him. Deceitful, perfidious.
- A person who wanders through the mountains or places with little traffic, fleeing from justice after being accused of a crime (bandit, deserting soldier, etc.). He uses his cunning to survive in a hostile environment.
♦ Used in: Argentina - Bolivia - Peru
Examples of use in Spanish: "eran gauchos matreros".
"el matrero tenía su casa en el monte para que nadie lo reconociera".
"Gauchos matreros son, por ejemplo, el Martín Fierro o el gauchito Gil, ambos símbolos de coraje y resistencia en el imaginario del pueblo".
- Animal that moves away from its grazing place.
♦ Used in: Argentina - Uruguay
Examples of use in Spanish: "Este caballo está muy matrero".
"Vaca matrera".
♦ Usado en ámbito rural.
- Person or animal raised in the bush, with a fierce or indomitable character.
♦ Used in: Argentina - Nicaragua - Said of a bull, which dodges the rag with which it is invited and tries to charge the bullfighter.
♦ Used in: Colombia - El Matrero. Opera in three acts by the composer Felipe Boero on a libretto by the writer Yamandú Rodríguez. Premiered at the Colón Theater in Buenos Aires on July 12, 1929.