What does «lindar» mean in Spanish?
- To be contiguous. It is said of two territories, two lands or two buildings that have common limits between them.
Examples of use in Spanish: "este terreno linda al norte con el terreno de mi tío".
"mi patio trasero linda con el de mi madre".
"esa casa linda con una fábrica muy ruidosa".
- That something is very close to what is expressed, attitude or feeling. To be very similar to something that is said, described or indicated.
Examples of use in Spanish: "su actitud linda con la arrogancia".
"tus palabras lindan con lo vulgar".
"esas escenas eróticas de la película lindan con la pornografía".
- Immediate area, opposite the lintel, at the door of a house or at the entrance of a building. By extension, entrance, initial part of a process or event.