11 sentences with 'indicated'

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« The radar anomaly indicated an unidentified object. »

indicated: The radar anomaly indicated an unidentified object.
« The sound of the church bells indicated that it was time for mass. »

indicated: The sound of the church bells indicated that it was time for mass.
« The sound of the guitar strings indicated that a concert was about to begin. »

indicated: The sound of the guitar strings indicated that a concert was about to begin.
« The rumble of the drums indicated that something important was about to happen. »

indicated: The rumble of the drums indicated that something important was about to happen.
« The crunch of the ice underfoot indicated that it was winter and that snow was near. »

indicated: The crunch of the ice underfoot indicated that it was winter and that snow was near.
« The patient's monitor indicated an irregular heart rate and fluctuating blood pressure. »
« Still, the uprising indicated that the movement Luther had started was not something he could control, despite his best efforts. »
« Class divisions were visible in the dress and manners of individuals, and each class dressed in different 'uniforms' - it was a time when the hat indicated income and class membership. »
« At that point, somehow, the proletariat could rise up and take control. In some of his writings, Marx indicated that the proletariat would revolt spontaneously, without anyone else's guidance. »
« In return, the patron expected political support from his clients by voting as indicated in the Centurion or Plebeian Assembly, influencing other votes and blocking political rivals. In the same way, patrons who shared a patron were expected to help each other. »
« Another setback was that Hitler's attempt to get the Spanish to join the war failed, when Spanish dictator Franco indicated that Spain was simply too poor and weak, especially after its civil war, to join the Axis, despite the obvious political affinity between fascist Spain and Nazi Germany (Hitler said he would rather have his teeth pulled than endure another encounter like the one he suffered with Franco). »

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