What does «lengua de loro» mean in Spanish?
- Dry and fixed tongue, typical of feverish states.
- Common name for some orchids of the genus Chloraea as Chloraea bletioides (perennial plant 30 to 80 cm high, its flowers from 1 to 5 and are the largest of its species) and Chloraea magellanica (species of orchid of terrestrial habit native to South America 35 cm high when in flower).
- Person with bad pronunciation.
♦ Used in: Chile - ([seco como / más seco que] lengua de loro) A phrase used to indicate that one is thirsty.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tengo la boca seca como lengua de loro".
- ([seco como / más seco que] lengua de loro) A phrase used to indicate that someone has no money.
♦ Used in: Argentina - Paraguay
Examples of use in Spanish: "este mes tuve poco trabajo, estoy más seco que lengua de loro".
"Más secos que lengua de loro: en solo un año los salarios perdieron 20 puntos contra la inflación", Agencia Nova - 1 ago. 2019