What does «gollería» mean in Spanish?
- Delicious food, delicate and well presented; delicacy, delicacy.
- Sweet, sweet.
Examples of use in Spanish: "comer gollerías".
- Superfluous or unnecessary thing; delicacy, superfluity.
Examples of use in Spanish: "atravesamos una crisis económica en la familia, deberemos dejarnos de gollerías y vivir más modestamente".
"ya esto es mucha gollería".
"Los comisarios les explican lo absurdo de la gollería que solicitan", Comentario de Textos Literarios - Página 41, Carmen Artal - 1974
- It's too good and unnecessary.
Examples of use in Spanish: "es un empleo con muchas gollerías".
- Benefit that is granted arbitrarily and not on merit; advantages that are not deserved.
♦ Used in: Peru
Examples of use in Spanish: "él obtiene muchas gollerías porque es el sobrino del dueño de la empresa".
- Bollería; a delicacy prepared with green plantain cut into strips and fried in oil, sprinkled with honey made from scratch, and served in manila paper sheets.
♦ Used in: Panama
Examples of use in Spanish: "la gollería es un platillo tradicional panameño".
- Sweet with nuts and sugar, traditional from Oaxaca (Mexico).
♦ Used in: Mexico - (pedir o querer gollerías) To want gifts and comfort impossible to have; to ask for what is superior to the merit or condition of the one who asks for it; to ask for jobs, dignities, things that are placed outside the sphere that luck has for one; to ask for too much, to ask for the impossible, to ask for the Moon.