What does «Eslabón débil-eslabón fuerte» mean in Spanish?
- The weak-strong link is part of the U.S. nuclear assurance architecture, a feature specifically designed into the weapons themselves to prevent against accidents and misuse. They cooperate closely with another architectural feature, the exclusion region, which prevents any unintended external electrical signals from reaching a nuclear weapon's firing system. By placing two sets of weak/strong links in series, confidence that the 10-6 failure criterion is met can be achieved. In practice, the two sets employ very different designs to eliminate the possibility of common mode failures." The graphic shows a schematic of a weapon, which is surrounded by a mechanically and electrically robust exclusion region, into which flow several unique signals (UQS) recognized by designated Strong Links, probably through a cryptographic mechanism. - The intent signal from a Permissive Action Link, which must come from a higher authority than the crew's