What does «desbordante» mean in Spanish?
- Overflowing.
- That which goes beyond its limits, beyond the measure or capacity of something.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Un trabajo desbordante".
"Piscina desbordante". Por aquella piscina que vuelca sus aguas como cascada por salirse de su capacidad.
"Una sala estaba desbordante de gente".
- Exaggerated feelings, passions or qualities, which exceed the limits of what is normal and which are openly shown without restraint.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Alegría desbordante".
"Terminó la carrera desbordante de felicidad".
"Desbordante de salud".
- Something that causes fatigue and overwhelm because it is excessive.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tarea desbordante".
- In sports, which is difficult for the defense to contain.