6 sentences with 'passions'

Example sentences and phrases with the word passions and other words derived from it.

« Newspapers of this era tended to deliberately inflame jingoistic passions rather than encourage rational calculation. »
« A new generation of politicians learned to harness the power of the majority by appealing to the resentments, fears and passions of ordinary citizens to win elections. »
« Bismarck became very adept at manipulating nationalist passions to inflame popular support for the Prussian wars, but he was personally deeply sceptical about the "national spirit" that animated the need for unification. »
« The Fourierists were part of a very peculiar movement, because their founder Charles Fourier was a very peculiar man. Fourier, who may have been at least partially insane, believed that he had unlocked a "science of the passions". »
« This historic moment in 1492 unleashed new rivalries between European powers as they struggled to create colonies in the New World, fuelled by the quest for wealth and power as well as religious passions. The result was almost continuous warfare. »
« Since all great powers were now significantly (or somewhat, in Russia's case) democratic, the opinions of the average citizen mattered in a way they never had before. Journalism whipped up these opinions and passions by stoking hatred, fear and resentment, leading to a greater willingness to go to war. »

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