What does «cuento largo» mean in Spanish?
- An oral or written narrative or story, in which a fictional story is told and which falls under the classification of short story because it is a tale; its length is longer than a short story or a tale, but not as long and complex as a novel. The boundaries of what constitutes a long story from other types of short stories are not strict nor have they been generally accepted. Some definitions indicate that a short story should be no longer than 7500 words, although nowadays the length ranges from 1000 to 20,000 words. So any story approaching 20,000 words could be classified as a long story.
- There is a lot to be said on this subject.
Examples of use in Spanish: "-¿Qué te pasó anoche, te noté muy preocupada por teléfono? // -Es un cuento largo, déjame que te explique bien".