What does «criba» mean in Spanish?
- Sieve for sieving.
- Utensil consisting of a surface (of cloth or a sheet of some kind) with holes attached to a wooden or metal ring, used to separate grains or objects of different sizes (sieving), or to separate the useful from the waste.
Examples of use in Spanish: "usar la criba para separar el grano de la paja".
- Selection or choice of what is of interest among several things or persons.
Examples of use in Spanish: "después de la primera criba, los seleccionados deben hacer una entrevista personal".
- Any of the mechanical devices used in agriculture to sieve seeds or in mining to wash and clean ores.
- (teoría de cribas) A set of general techniques in number theory designed to count or estimate the size of a set of integers.
- (criba de Eratóstenes) Method that allows to establish a table of prime numbers.
- (criba de Brun) Method that gives the size of certain sets that we want to study using certain functions that we use to study the set.
- (ciba de Legendre) It is the simplest method in sieve theory. It applies the concept of the Eratosthenes sieve to find upper and lower estimates of the number of primes in a given set of integers.