What does «camándula» mean in Spanish?
- Rosary of one or three tens (the ten is the thickest bead or ball that is placed in the rosary to divide the tens) to pray. Particularly well known is a camandula invented by Friar Miguel de Camaldoli in the 17th century, which had 33 beads, one for each year of Christ.
Examples of use in Spanish: "rezaba en penitencia usando su camándula".
"acariciaba las cuentas de su camándula al rezar".
"tenía una camándula de oro muy costosa".
- Hypocrisy, falsehood to make oneself look good or obtain some benefit.
- Cunning, trickery to achieve something.
Examples of use in Spanish: "con camándulas lograron engañar a la pobre viejita".
- Hypocritical or cunning person.
- Camaldula.