7 sentences with 'pray'

Example sentences and phrases with the word pray and other words derived from it.

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« 2. Every Muslim must pray five times a day, facing towards the holy city of Mecca. »
« Work and play, love and pray: these are the things I have always tried to live by. »
« Monasteries and convents grew to become some of the most important economic institutions in medieval Europe, despite their stated intention to house people whose full-time job was to pray for the souls of Christians everywhere. »
« Catalans come to stroll through the monastery's misty gardens, to pray with the monks in the basilica, to line up to catch a glimpse of La Moreneta, a Romanesque art statue of the Virgin Mary with a smiling Christ Child on her lap. »
« Rabbi Harold Kushner, author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People, says: "I don't like the idea that when we pray and get no answer, it means that God has considered our request and rejected it. I don't know the divine nature, but I know that prayer improves and enriches my life". »
« For those blessed with faith, there is no doubt: Mimi's was nothing more than an answer to prayer. After all, Jesus exhorted his followers to pray to God the Father to provide for their needs: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. »
« At the same time, social orders were sharply divided, not only by wealth, but also by law and custom. This set of divisions was summed up in the system of "Estates" in France, the social descendants of the divisions between "those who pray, those who fight and those who work" in the Middle Ages. »

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