What does «callejero» mean in Spanish?
- Relating to the street.
Examples of use in Spanish: "este es un perro callejero", "son músicos callejeros".
- That he likes to wander the streets.
Examples of use in Spanish: "eres muy callejero, andas por todos lados, a todas horas".
- Street vendor, who sells on the streets.
Examples of use in Spanish: "venta callejera".
- List of streets of a town.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Este es el callejero de la ciudad de Santa Fe, contiene todas sus calles", "buscaré esta dirección en el callejero".
- Prostitute, woman of bad life.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Esta mujer es callejera, ejerce la prostitución", "¡Eres una callejera!".
- Sports race that takes place in the street.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el piloto ganó el callejero de la ciudad", "se realizó ayer el callejero de Singapur".
- Belongs to or sympathizes with the Argentine musical group Callejeros.
- (justicia callejera) Revenge or execution usually carried out by an angry group of people who beat or kill one or more persons accused of some crime.
Examples of use in Spanish: "justicia callejera contra un violador".
- (arte callejero) Art that is exercised in the street. It can be music, painting, theater or any other type of art that is performed in the streets of a city.
- (comida callejera) Food that can be obtained from a street vendor, often from a portable or improvised stall.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la mejor comida callejera la encontrarás en México".
- (pelea o lucha callejera) Fighting that takes place in the streets of a city, usually informal and spontaneous.
- (animal callejero) That animal that lives inside a city, eating urban waste, apparently without an owner.
Examples of use in Spanish: "gato callejero".
- (perro callejero) A homeless dog that lives eating garbage in a city and apparently has no owner. It is also called a dog that has no defined breed.
Examples of use in Spanish: "-¿Qué raza tiene este perro?. -Ninguna, es un perro callejero".