What does «aherrumbrar» mean in Spanish?
- To give color or taste of rust or iron.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el aire aherrumbra ciertos alimentos".
- (aherrumbrarse) Taking on the taste or color of rust, especially said of water or wine. They acquire this taste when they are in iron containers or have some metal in them that contaminates them. It also occurs when water travels through ferruginous soils.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se ha aherrumbrado el agua por dejarla en un recipiente metálico".
"las viejas cañerías aherrumbran el agua".
- (aherrumbrarse) To become covered with rust or rust on a metallic thing, especially iron.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el metal se aherrumbra y adquiere un color ferruginoso".
"se han aherrumbrado las herramientas de trabajo por dejarlas a la intemperie".