8 sentences with 'charter'

Example sentences and phrases with the word charter and other words derived from it.

« A few weeks later, they donated another 75,000 to charter a plane to fly medical supplies to Cambodia. »
« In 1215, a much less competent king named John I signed the Magna Carta ("great charter") with the English nobility that formally recognised the feudal privileges of the nobility, towns and clergy. »
« In 1158 a princely charter was granted to the law students of Bologna in northern Italy, making it the first recognised university. »
« The only option, he explained, was to charter a private plane, which would cost $10,000. The parents did not hesitate: they asked him to charter the plane and bring the Americans. »
« Charles II hoped to establish English control of the area between Virginia and Spanish Florida. To that end, he issued a royal charter in 1663 to eight loyal and trusted supporters, each of whom was to be a feudal-style proprietor of a region of the province of Carolina. »
« George II, realising the strategic advantage of a British colony as a buffer between South Carolina and Spanish Florida, granted the charter to Oglethorpe and twenty like-minded landowners in 1732. »
« Even the city of Philadelphia, which had originally opposed the charter, came to its senses. »
« Connecticut, for example, used its colonial charter to assert its claim to western lands in Pennsylvania and the Ohio Territory. »
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