9 sentences with 'greatly'

Example sentences and phrases with the word greatly and other words derived from it.

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« During the drought, the livestock suffered greatly due to the lack of grass. »

greatly: During the drought, the livestock suffered greatly due to the lack of grass.
« In short, it was a period in which knowledge of the world was greatly expanded. »
« It is one of the advances that in the last ten years have greatly decreased the risks of neurosurgery. »
« Hellenistic philosophy departed greatly from the concerns of the Greek philosophers of the Classical Age. »
« Nowhere was this more true than in Sparta. Sparta had been greatly altered by the war, becoming by necessity a naval power and diplomatic "player" and losing much of its former identity; »
« Ethical conduct did not have much influence on the gods ("ethical conduct" itself, of course, differs greatly from culture to culture), what mattered was that the gods were properly appeased. »
« Coinage revolutionised the ancient economy, greatly increasing the ability of merchants to travel far and buy foreign goods, because they no longer had to travel with large quantities of goods to trade. »
« The New Kingdom of Egypt survived the invasion of the 'Sea Peoples', some of whom historians say settled in Canaan (they are remembered in the Hebrew Bible as the Philistines against whom the early Hebrews fought), but the state was greatly weakened in the process. »
« Rome benefited greatly from the fact that the Carthaginians did not realise that the war could become about more than Sicily; even after winning victories there, the Carthaginians never attempted to invade Italy itself (which they might have done, at least at first). »

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