What does «verdear» mean in Spanish?
- To show a thing the green color it has.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Se nota el verdear de las plantas".
"La luz del amanecer dejaba ver el verdear del campo".
- Said of the color, which tends to green.
- Go taking a green colored thing.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Se nota el verdear de las paredes debido al musgo".
- Plants begin to sprout in the fields, or trees are covered with leaves and stems.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Con estas lluvias el campo comenzará a verdear muy pronto".
"Ya se termina el invierno, se nota en los árboles que están verdeando".
- In some parts, to pick grapes or olives to be consumed as fruit.
- Said of plants, which begin to sprout or turn green grass.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Ya se termina la temporada de nieve, comienza a verdear el césped".