What does «trocisco» mean in Spanish?
- Piece made from the mass of various medicinal ingredients, which is arranged in various shapes, to later form pills.
Examples of use in Spanish: "los trociscos alhandal se preparaban con polvo de coloquíntida y suficiente mucílago tragacanto para hacer una pasta que luego se dividía en trocitos triangulares; se tomaban para combatir la hidropesía, el sopor, etc".
"Para el dolor de garganta le recomendaré estos trociscos. Le van a ayudar a calmar la irritación".
- Small mass of variable shape composed of finely powdered dried medicinal substances.
Examples of use in Spanish: "trocisco de ajenjo".
- A small tablet of various shapes (circular, square or oblong) containing a medicinal substance incorporated into a sweetened mucilage or fruit base that slowly dissolves in the mouth and releases the drug. Many antibiotics come in this form.
Examples of use in Spanish: "trocisco de 2 mg".
"trociscos antisifilíticos".
- Any medicinal preparation made to be sucked.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Chupe un trocisco cada 1 a 2 horas. No lo mastique. La medicina va a disolverse en la boca".
"El excipiente de los trocisco no debe ser licor alguno azucarado, sino algún zumo, un mucílago o un líquido cualquiera".
- Species of aperitif plant, purgative and comforting alterant.