7 sentences with 'antibiotics'

Example sentences and phrases with the word antibiotics and other words derived from it.

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« A scientist was studying a new bacteria. He discovered that it was very resistant to antibiotics. »

antibiotics: A scientist was studying a new bacteria. He discovered that it was very resistant to antibiotics.
« At that time, when antibiotics did not yet exist, there was little doctors could do. »
« Before the development of antiseptics and antibiotics, any infection could be cured with water. »
« And what about the major tranquillisers, or the antibiotics that are sometimes administered unwisely by doctors themselves? »
« Sarah had to be given antibiotics and vitamins every morning to prevent lung infections, as well as enzyme powder to improve digestion. »
« The resident physician irrigated the opening of the patient's incision liberally with antibiotics. The maneuvers performed during cardiac arrest had greatly increased the risk of infection. »
« Between 1935 and 1939 another great medical revolution was to take place: the introduction of sulphonamides and antibiotics, especially penicillin, discovered by the British bacteriologist Alexander Fleming. »

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