What does «tripero» mean in Spanish?
- Person who sells tripe or tripe tripe.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el tripero le compraba al carnicero todos los desperdicios y los menudeaba o vendía en un rincón de la mesa".
- Gluttonous person.
- Nickname given to the supporters of the Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata Club in Argentina.
- Person in charge of delivering the filler to the tobacco makers in the tobacco factories.
♦ Used in: Cuba
Examples of use in Spanish: "el tripero llegó tarde, no teníamos tripa para hacer el trabajo".
- Belly wrap.
- A device for fishing in rivers and lakes that involves guts as bait.
Examples of use in Spanish: "iré a levantar el tripero para ver si mordió algún pescado".
- Food of the high seas, which gathers different fishes, of unpleasant aspect.
- A military member who has attained a rank higher than private without any studies to back it up.
- Name given to those soldiers who used to eat the three barracks meals without spending money in the canteen.