What does «tempestad» mean in Spanish?
- Atmospheric disturbance manifested by variations in ambient pressure and strong winds, often accompanied by thunder, rain, snow, etc.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la tempestad anegó calles, volviendo la ciudad prácticamente intransitable".
- Perturbation of the waters of the sea, caused by the impetus and violence of the winds.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la tempestad hizo zozobrar la embarcación".
- Agitation of the spirits of people or of a situation.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la noticia provocó una tempestad en los mercados de valores de todo el mundo".
- Harsh or insulting words spoken in anger and rage.
Examples of use in Spanish: "recibió una tempestad de odio por redes sociales tras sus polémicas declaraciones".
- Specific time or season.
- (levantar tempestades) Produce riots, disorders, indignation movements, etc.
Examples of use in Spanish: "su polémico discurso levantó tempestades entre opositores y partidarios por igual".
- (ojo de la tempestad) Breakup of the clouds that cover the apex of cyclones, where the blue sky can be seen.
- (tempestad de arena o de polvo) Meteorological phenomenon of powerful winds that carry dust or sand from the ground common in desert climates.
- (ave de las tempestades) Palmiped marine bird of black color and white tail, about 60 cm long. It lives among the rocks of the coasts. Also known as petrel.