What does «tabacazo» mean in Spanish?
- A drink in which tobacco ash is put to poison one, which can cause loss of consciousness, nervous disturbances, temporary insanity and even death. Usually dried and ground tobacco is added to red wine or brandy.
♦ Used in: Chile - Ecuador
Examples of use in Spanish: "a Juan le hicieron el tabacazo".
"el tabacazo puede producir la muerte".
"La causa de la mayoría de los tabacazos es la venganza".
- Tobacco with PBC (an intermediate product in the production of cocaine hydrochloride) or other powdered drug.
♦ Used in: Chile - Peru
Examples of use in Spanish: "La pasta base se fuma mezclada con tabaco (tabacazo) o marihuana (marciano)".
- Alcoholic beverage mixed with cocaine.
♦ Used in: Chile - Witchcraft that mixes alcoholic beverages with tobacco reduced into fine powder, used to make someone fall in love.
♦ Used in: Ecuador - Blow given with the hand.
♦ Used in: Spain - A goring by the bull.
♦ Used in: Spain
Examples of use in Spanish: "Doce años desde aquel 27 de agosto, agosto maldito, aquel tabacazo que te atravesó el pecho", salamancartvaldia.es - 13 sep. 2017
"Y en ese muslo le pegó el tabacazo", Cornada de 25 centímetros a Manuel Escribano en Las Ventas - abc.es - 31 may. 2019