What does «sangre pesada» mean in Spanish?
- Describes a person with an unpleasant, heavy or annoying character; sangrigordo, sangripesado.
♦ Used in: Bolivia - Chile - Ecuador - Guatemala - Mexico - Nicaragua - Peru - Salvador - Venezuela
Examples of use in Spanish: "¡Ufff! Vaya que tiene la sangre pesada..."
"Hay personas que con solo verlas te caen mal, no son malos ni groseros tampoco te han hecho algo pero aun así solo con verlos te hacen sentir extraño, a ellos se les denomina gente con sangre pesada".
"El cabo no me desagrada, pero es tan pesado de sangre", González, Caliche 285.
- Said of one who cannot be witched.
- It is said of one who has heaviness in his eyes and causes an evil eye.
♦ Used in: Mexico - Phylos. Within the division of four temperaments proposed by Kant, melancholic temperament. The rest are light blood (sanguine temperament), hot blood (choleric t.) and cold blood (phlegmatic t.).