What does «repertorio» mean in Spanish?
- Prontuario in which succinct mention is made of notable things, referring to what is expressed more extensively in other writings.
- List of dramatic or musical works that an actor, lead singer, company or company has studied and prepared to represent or perform. Depending on the art to which they refer, there are: theatrical repertoire, operatic repertoire, choral repertoire, musical repertoire, etc.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el repertorio del show del cantante incluyó varios de sus temas clásicos, pero mayormente de su nueva música".
"el guitarrista tiene siempre preparado un gran repertorio musical".
- Collection of works or news of the same kind.
Examples of use in Spanish: "repertorio de libros de historia del arte".
- Set of phrases, anecdotes, news... that a person has memorized.
Examples of use in Spanish: "repertorio de chistes".
"el curioso personaje cuenta con un gran repertorio de citas de personajes históricos que emplea frecuentemente al interactuar con otros".
- A record or index of data or information of some subject matter that is organized to facilitate its location; catalog, inventory.
Examples of use in Spanish: "repertorio bibliográfico".
- (repertorio de aduana) Official indicator for the application of tax or income.