What does «perverso» mean in Spanish?
- Depraved or wicked in his habits or actions, conscious of his wickedness and, at times, enjoying it.
Examples of use in Spanish: "gustos perversos".
"crimen perverso".
"hizo comentarios perversos".
- Away from what is right or good, deviant from morality; corrupt.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el país está en manos de gobernantes perversos que solo piensan en sí mismos y no en el pueblo".
- Contrary to the evidence or the judge's instructions on a question of law.
Examples of use in Spanish: "veredicto perverso".
- One who engages in sexual practices that do not conform to what is socially established as normal sexuality of the time or that are considered disorders or diseases.
Examples of use in Spanish: "es un pedófilo perverso".
"a los homosexuales se los consideraba perversos en el pasado".